Deliver Light is a Oregon state registered non-profit 501(c)3 mobile homeless outreach organization. We seek to follow the example of Jesus Christ by shining God’s light through meeting the homeless and displaced populations where they are. We connect people with support and resources already available to help them grow as members of our community. 

We humbly work to help individuals obtain the necessary requirements to be a  self-sustaining, contributing, self actualized, member of the community. We aim to do this through providing aid in accessing already available resources, such as Snap and other food assistance, social security, shelters, bus passes and job placement along with national resources and programs.

We focus on mobile homeless outreach, one person at a time, while loving them and walking beside with support for maneuvering through life. While there are many resources (federal, state and local) out there for displaced individuals, many do not have the basic physical, mental or tangible necessities to access resources that may be just out of reach. As an organization we are meeting the homeless populations to help them navigate hurdles and to get to their next step.  We started local, in Seaside, and intend to impact throughout the Clatsop County coastal communities. 

EIN 86-2687982